
Updated 1/23/19

1st Quarter News 2019

ANNUAL HOMEOWNER’S MEETING AND BOARD ELECTIONS - Thank you to all who attended the annual membership meeting. The draft minutes will be posted soon.

HOLIDAY LIGHTS - We are now more than two weeks beyond the winter holidays. All holiday decorations and lights should be removed. If you would like to apply for an exception for your lighting, please contact the Property Management company.

New HOA Management Company - The board has established a new contract with Port Gardner Property Management based out of Everett. The Manager/President of the company is Tom Gish. He can be reached via email: or by calling the office: 425-339-1160


Annual Dues - annual due notices have been mailed. You will have the option to break the annual dues into two payments. If you have questions, please contact the HOA management company listed above.

New Board Member needed - Brien Hansen, our treasurer for the past two years has resigned. Huge thanks to him for his service and financial expertise to see us through our infancy!

We are in need of a new board member to fill Brien’s space on the board. The new member will not be required to fill the Treasurer’s role. Please submit your interest in the position to and reference “Spring Haven HOA Open Board Member Position”


Summer 2018 News

  • 4th of July Fireworks - Be a good neighbor. Here are some tips on how to celebrate this 4th of July safely and legally in Snohomish County:

    • Check out the "4th of July Fireworks Discharge Map"

    • Call 425-407-3999 to report the illegal discharge of fireworks (please do not call 911 unless there is an immediate threat to life or property).

    • Only discharge fireworks in unincorporated Snohomish County on July 4 from 9 AM to 11:59 PM.

    • It is illegal to discharge fireworks before or after the Fourth of July. Fireworks are always illegal in unincorporated Snohomish County before and after the Fourth of July.

  • SUMMER LAWN CARE Please water, weed and mow your lawns to keep our neighborhood looking nice! The rules and regulations detail lawn care expectations. Notices will be sent to homeowners who do not comply.

  • LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE The board is looking for volunteers for a Landscaping Committee. Please email the board if you are interested.

  • Annual Meeting - Thursday, October 26th at 6:30pm We will meet in the Archbishop Murphy High School Library. If you are unable to attend, please submit your proxy voting materials according to the directions included in the Annual Meeting Notification Letter.

  • Traffic control - 10/19/17 update: According to the county, we should realistically expect construction of the speed bumps and raised cross walk to begin in November. Should they communicate differently to us, we will update the this website.

  • Volunteers needed: The HOA relies on volunteer work to keep our dues low and our community running smoothly. Contact the board if you are interested in helping.

  • New housing construction will be starting across 35th soon. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Council Member Sam Low. The best way would be to call his assistant Jill McKinnie at 425.388.3365

Board Members

Joan Pugsley - President
Kenneth Williams - Vice President
Meggan Jacks - Secretary
Matt Ellis - Director

Questions or Comments? Please contact our HOA Management Company - Port Gardner Management


Phone: 425-339-1160